eXcon Security Conference

by admin

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011 at 4:12 pm

Tickets are on sale now for eXcon and BSidesCT in Meriden,CT June 11th
If you want to attend or speak at the conference hit their email up on the site!!!

Free Apple Stuff

by admin

Thursday, January 6th, 2011 at 12:29 pm

Circumvent Apples Mac App store receipt validation.
Install the latest Snow Leopard update(10.6.6). Sign into the new App Store (in your dock). Download Twitter, it’s free. Then go to Applications folder, locate Twitter, right click, Show Package Contents, navigate to Contents folder and copy _CodeSignature, _MASReceipt and CodeResources.

Download Angry Birds ( http://bit.ly/gy9wzk ).. run the dmg file.. drag Angry Birds into the Applications folder. right click, Show Package Contents, navigate to Contents folder and delete _CodeSignature, _MASReceipt and CodeResources. Now paste in the files you copied from the Twitter.app .

Done. Enjoy Angry Birds and any other .app file from the new Mac App Store that you can find online 😉

Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, I am free at last.

by illwill

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 at 8:53 pm

Thats right bitches, after 6 long retarded years being under the government’s thumb for some bullshit charges ,I am finally a free man!!!!

Merry XXXmas

by admin

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010 at 5:57 pm

Kat Denning Naked Cell Pics

by admin

Friday, November 5th, 2010 at 12:07 pm

Click Here

Jessica Alba Cell Pics

by admin

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010 at 3:12 pm

Click Here

Vista SRV2.SYS SMB Exploit Code

by admin

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010 at 7:40 am

Piotr, who made kon-boot, finally decided to release the Vista smb2 Negotiate ProcessID Function Table Dereference exploit code he’s been sitting on since last fall.
Download: smb2_exploit_release.zip
It should spawn a shell on TARGET_IP on port 28876
Sample usage
> smb2_exploit.exe 45 0
> telnet 28876

Who is Robin Sage?

by admin

Thursday, July 8th, 2010 at 6:23 am


Thomas Ryan tricked people into becoming friends with “Robin Sage”

We decided to find her real identity
We started by tracking down the image to
http://www.godsgirls.com/girls/katya/album and expanded our search from there…

Katharine Cole
San Fransico,CA
DOB: july 6 1989
We even have her cell phone number but since she was probably an unwilling participant in this experiment we decided not to make that public. Just goes to show that you cant fool everyone. 🙂

Ke$ha Cum $tain$

by admin

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010 at 8:38 pm

Guess this is how P Diddy wakes up in the morning.

btw Fuck DJ Stolen..

SubSeven Fails

by admin

Thursday, March 11th, 2010 at 9:25 am

The new version of SubSeven v2.3 was released. It takes fail to a whole new level. Upon first examination the files are packed with Aspack 2.12, which you can unpack using AspackDie, using a file like Bintext you can examine the strings inside Subseven.exe you will get some laughs at words spelled wrong

000E7260   004E7260      0   You Are Downloading a File plase wait till its finished
000E72A0   004E72A0      0   Sorry a fileserch is still in progress
000E73FC   004E73FC      0   E:\[!! Souce Code !!]\[Sub7 2009] [BetaIV]\IM.EXE

then you’ll see some stuff referring to nirsoft

0014C01C   0054C01C      0   NirSoft
0014C0EC   0054C0EC      0   MessenPass
0014C10A   0054C10A      0   LegalCopyright
0014C13E   0054C13E      0    2004 - 2009 Nir Sofer

Using ResourceHacker you can see that subseven contains 6 Nirsoft password recovery apps as resources inside the exe chromepass, iepv, pspv, PasswordFox, MessenPass, and Mail Passview.

Supposedly they claim Mobman, who coded the original Sub7 had passed on the sourcecode to them and they recoded it from the ground up , using someone else programs embedded into your program doesn’t qualify as “coding” , more like ripping, which FC (the wannabe coder) has been accused of in the past and seems to continue to do dragging down the subseven legacy.

The program itself unpacked is over 2mb showing FC still doesnt know how to optimize his Delphi code, another sign of being a pure ripper.10 years later and the newer one has the same tired features the original had , only shittier/buggier , hell even simple spyware has rootkit technology nowadays. I’m pretty sure mobman is sorry he ever gave them the greenlight to shit on his program.

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