ddos is gay

by admin

Friday, July 2nd, 2004 at 7:47 pm

so anyhow some kiddies though it would make them hackers if they ddos’d the site…i didnt have a current backup so i lost some of the news posts.. hopefully not for good…. they claimed to have hacked the server but in reality my site was pretty much blackholed to stop the ddos attack, i found out who was ddosing it and spoke with them so the ddos stopped after an agreement… and i pretty much lost a good free host.. (thanks for the few months shawn) i really dont wanna pay for hosting for a site i make no money off of.. so if anyone knows a good free host to at least host the files section let me know.. i dont want to host any files on this site because it would be against their terms of service…
i keep getting more and more hits to this site everyday so i know its pretty popular throughout the world .. so if you get anything out of this site ,try to give something back and support us.

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