digital spawn trojan

by admin

Tuesday, May 21st, 2002 at 12:00 am

well someone was kinda funny posting that i had digital spawn trojan for download by using xeo’s default password.. and if you were stupid to download it before i found and removed the post that means you are infected with netdevil and illicq .. oddly enough the trojans point back to my icq number.. wonder if another trojan was added to notify anyone else.. so if you dled the fake shit go clean your comp and only download from links that come from this site only
here a copy of the post that was submitted under xeo

IllWill here, I fucked up the accounts so I’m posting with this 1 for now. Just posted the new beta version of the awesome Digital Spawn trojan … you can download it now <.a href="http://[email protected]/">by clicking HERE<./a>

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